
Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA)

The law allows up to five business days following receipt of the request for the organization to respond, with a possible extension of an additional five business days under certain circumstances. Those submitting a request for a commercial purpose must identify that purpose or be subject to statutory penalties. The Park District then has a reasonable period (up to 21 business days), considering the size and complexity of the request, to make information available.

Requests must be submitted in writing. Although the use of a particular form is not required, a FOIA request Form is available for your convenience. The Park District may provide records in an electronic format, and must do so if available in such format and requested in that format. Procedures for obtaining information from the Broadview Park District per FOIA, you may submit your request by:

  • Mail or in-person delivery to the Broadview Park District Schroeder Building, 2600 S. 13th Avenue, Broadview, IL 60155
  • Email to [email protected]

Fees are not charged for the first 50 pages of standard black and white copies. After the first 50 pages, the fee for black and white copies is $.15 per page unless the actual reproduction costs (for color or oversized copies, for example) are higher. A fee equal to the actual cost may be charged for such copies.

Upon receipt of the request, a FOIA Officer will note the date the request is received and calculate the appropriate response deadline before processing. All documents related to a request will be kept until it is complied with or denied, and files of all FOIA requests and the responses thereto will be maintained.

Other questions regarding the FOIA process can be answered by calling the Broadview Park District at 708-343-5637, or by contacting the Broadview Park District designated FOIA Officer below:

Darion Hills

[email protected]


Freedom of Information Act Request forms are available upon request.