Board Committees
Each committee is headed by a member of the Park Board of Commissioners. Anyone interested in joining should email and give their name and which committee they would like to join. They will then be emailed an application to join the committee.
Seniors Committee - Headed by: Commissioner Yara Buchanan
The purpose of this committee is to give Seniors in our community an outlet for enrichment and socializing.
Amazing Kids Committee - Headed by: Commissioner Yara Buchanan
The purpose of this committee is to encourage young children of all abilities to reach their full potential.
Loving Hands Garden Committee - Headed by: Commissioner Alicia Johnson
The purpose of this committee is to encourage gardening in the community.
Fitness Committee - Headed by: Commissioner Alicia Johnson
The purpose of this committee is to encourage physical fitness and a healthy eating lifestyle.
Pet Lovers Committee - Headed by: Commissioner Alicia Johnson
The purpose of this committee is to give pet owners a place to socialize and share resources about pet ownership.