Keeping Up With Broadview Park District

Latest News & Upcoming Events

Events, Closed Dates Programs, Projects, Etc.

Get Ready for the

Black Business Expo!

Celebrate the wealth and variety of thriving Black Businesses in our community! This event is free to all, and will feature a $1 raffle as well as concessions for guests. Support Black Businesses and help us build a stronger economic center in our community!

Any businesses that would like to host a vendor booth at this Expo please use the QR code on the flyer or click link below

Please call us at 708-343-5637 for any additional questions.


SuperBowl Sunday
The Broadview Park District is back with another football party and this time it's for the biggest game of all!
Join us on Sunday, February 9th at 5:00PM for our Superbowl Party, where we will have food, fun, prizes and more.
Entry will be only $5. RSVP using the link or QR Code and be sure to take your best guess at the two teams who will make it to the big game for a chance at a prize! We hope to see you all there!


In an effort to bring the community together for a night of fun, games, and prizes, the Broadview Park District will be hosting our first Bingo Night of many! 

There will be a $5 entry fee to this event and a chance to win one of several gift card prizes! Please join us on Friday, February 21, 2025 for this fun-filled event. We hope to see you there!


Pool Project

Thank you to all the participants who joined us for the pool rendering on September 3rd!

We kindly request your valuable input on the two splash pad options, A and B, at Schroeder Park, 2600 S 13th Ave, Broadview.

Your perspective will help us make the best decision for our community.

Thank You!


Concept A



Concept B


A message from our Executive Director, Darion Hills

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join the Broadview Park District as the Executive Director. In this role, I will lead the organization in its efforts to engage the community and become the go-to destination for our youth, adults, and beloved seniors. Since starting on August 15th, I've met with our team to assess our strengths and identify opportunities to better serve our Broadview community. We are eager to serve in a professional and understanding manner.

The Fun Place To BE! We hope you enjoyed our summer programming, and it was wonderful to see everyone who joined us as we concluded our Summer Series. As you transition back into the fall and the school year, don't miss out on the chance to continue visiting the Broadview Park system. Our team has planned numerous outdoor and indoor programs for you to participate in, so remember to check our website and register for programs that aim to enhance your quality of life through the use of our park district.

We ARe A Destination! I'm thrilled to be working for the Broadview Park District because it gives us the chance to utilize the innovative ideas proposed by our staff. This is how we develop programs to address the needs of our community. Perhaps you have the next great idea! Please don't hesitate to get in touch and share your thoughts – it could potentially become the next big thing at the Broadview Park District. For more information, please visit our website.


Come and discover the endless benefits of leisure recreation at the Broadview Park District!                                         Darion HillsExecutive Director